August 29, 2018


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What a woman! She willingly up roots her entire life to follow her mother in law, to stay with her and move to a strange land. She rejects the gods of her childhood, the life she was raised in to follow the one and only God. 

I can relate. I moved, completely uprooted my life, found a new job, moved to a strange house and surrounded myself with people I do not know (twice in 2 years!). And it is terrifying! Not to mention I have terrible anxiety. This has definitely doubled it. At least. 

So, I talked in an earlier post about how Ruth refused to leave Naomi. In fact, she went as far to say she would follow Naomi AND her God. She left the gods of her family to follow God. Now the bible doesn't say why or how she came to faith, just that God had chosen her. This woman had such faith in God that she trusted in Him completely to care for her. She left everything she knew to follow Naomi's God back to the promised land. She trusted in God's plan for her life.

When they move back, God provides work and food for Ruth to be able to care for Naomi. He provides a family member willing to care for her and Naomi and continue their family line. God thinks of everything! And it is not a smooth, straight forward path. I am sure there were many times that Ruth wondered where God was leading her. She wandered from field to field for food. God lead her to Boaz's field. Naomi explained to have Ruth lay at Boaz's feet, yet did not reveal why. Boaz even had to negotiate with a closer relative to be the one to care for Ruth and Naomi. But God saw everything through perfectly. And seeing the big picture, this was ALL a part of God's plan of salvation.

God has a plan, I have to trust He has a plan! Things have not been easy, the road has been FAR from smooth for me. But I am seeing just a tiny bit of the plan. One small agonizing step at a time, a few victories, a lot of failures. What is it all coming to??

The story of Ruth reminds me that even for her there were so many twists and turns. But it all worked out for her benefit and God's glory. And though the story seems short, it in fact probably took course over a long period of time.

Wait on God. Wait for His timing. Trust in His plan.
God give me strength.


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