September 13, 2018


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What has really been on my heart all along. 

Jeff and I have been married for over 2 years. We have talked about having kids. And it just seems like so many things in life have told us no before really even trying. Every step in the "right" direction, every small tip toe to some form of financial or life stability and we seem to have a major fallback. 

Many people told us you are never totally ready. So we decided to try. And try. And try. And got a whole lot of nothing. So we figured we didn't maybe really understand when to time things.

So we researched. I have been taking temperatures and tracking and charting. And everything is so unpredictable. We have found a lack of pattern. So I went to the doctor and found out a small amount of information. And now have been referred to a gynecologist. As the date is over a month away I continue to study and pray.

Today my heart has turned to Sarah. She was older and past child bearing years. But God saw fit to give her a son. Not in the way she thought or orchestrated before God told he she would have a child. She had Abraham sleep with her slave Hagar. She used her own means to produce the heir she thought Abraham needed. God appeared later and promised her a son of her own. 

When Abraham had been told Sarah would have a son, she laughed. She was doubtful of God's promises. Sometimes I feel the same way. Doubtful.Like we'll never figure this out. Like we'll always be childless. But nothing is impossible with God. Its one thing I must remember daily. 

Pray for me friends.


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