August 25, 2018


I wanted to start writing about women in the bible and I wanted to start with Ruth. I feel a connection with this woman for some reason. But as I started reading about her, I was struck by another woman in this story.


We don't know a whole lot about this woman. But the story of Ruth starts with the story of Naomi. So let's start at the beginning. There is a famine in Israel. Elimelech and Naomi and their 2 sons move away to follow the food. I am sure the worry to feed her family was almost as much as leaving her homeland. They were also moving into a land whose people served other gods. She and her husband along with their two sons pack up and move away to where they can find food to eat. They are refugees in a strange land with no family connections or land.

Some time later, (the bible doesn't say how much time has passed) Elimelech dies. She is left with 2 sons and no husband. Her sons take unbelieving wives. And then 10 years later, both her sons die. So now Naomi is left without someone to care for her, she also has 2 daughters-in-law who are left in the same situation. So Naomi does what anyone else in her spot would do. She packs up and heads back to her homeland, my guess is in desperate hopes SOMEONE in her family will take her in. She hears in the fields that God has visited Israel. The famine is over. She leaves and her daughters-in-law come with.

At one point Naomi tells them to go back "to their mothers house". They weep and say they will continue on with her. When Naomi insists, Orpah goes back to the safety of her homeland and her family. But Ruth, she clings to Naomi and goes with her (more on this later).

Now, I am sure Naomi is confused. Why would this girl leave everything she had behind, all the familiarity of her gods and the connections of her family,? He chance to have another life with someone from her homeland. But Ruth so sweetly professes her faith in God and her insistance in going along. Naomi protests no more. Not only that, it appears Naomi comes to care for Ruth as she would for her own daughter as seen in later chapters.

This woman is so strong. She trusts God to provide even if it means moving to a strange land with her family. She loses all the important people in her life. She hears God has provided for her people and heads back to her homeland. Even later she helps Ruth to provide for them and carry on the family, helping her have new happiness.

My mother in law is the most amazing woman. I was friends with her before dating my husband and I still believe we are friends to this day. She is so bright and upbeat. If it is God's will one day and we have kids, I want to raise them to be like the wonderful people all her children have turned out to be. She reminds me of Naomi. She has taken me in like a daughter and I have had less doubts being in my own strange land with her here. I really see the love of God in her. I aspire to be able to shine the light of Christ like she can. She always seems to be happy, seeing the joy in many situations. She is a rock in my life and I love her as I do my own mother.

God, please help me to see the light in the dark places, to trust in the path you have sent me on. Please help me to be a woman of faith, trusting in you, leaning on your strength. 

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