May 18, 2011

Prayers and Answers - God's work in my life

It's amazing how God opens our eyes in the most wonderful ways. For those who think God does not speak to them, please take time to look a little closer, reflect a little more... take some time to dig deeper and BAM! there it is like a snowball in the face, pardon the Winter reference (maybe more like unexpected sunshine in this rainy weather then??). It's funny when it happens and I don't even notice and than later I think back and think how could I not have?? The thing that sparked these thoughts was reflecting on how dynamically my life has changed in the past few years, and especially in the past year. I have been praying a lot about my life and the path that God wants me to take. In response I got a beautiful answer :)

During my devotions a couple days ago I came across this verse:
"Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”" 1 Corinthians 15:33

Ummm WOW! How true it is. I have had many people I used to call my friends in the past couple years that I have come to realise that there is something desperately wrong. I used to hang out with friends from work and it seemed common place for the swearing and complaining and overall bitterness that seemed to follow with hanging out with them. We were vicious and cruel about not only others we worked with, our bosses, the customers, but also about friends that weren't present. It is SO easy to get caught up in all the "hype" and join in. If you who are reading this are thinking "hmm this desn't sound like Mandy at all" then you are... WRONG. I got caught up, I'm ashamed to say, in ALL that. It was becoming a living bitter poison in my veins that was taking over and changing the person who I used to be. I was angry, vindictive and yelled a lot.

Last year I went to Campfire! for the first time in my life. It really opened my eyes to the importance of surrounding yourself with the right people. I had an awesome week with one of my amazing friends as my co-counsellor and really saw what living a life of Christ was. This happened in August but still I hung on. I hung onto the "friends" trying to convince myself that I could go back in and protect myself against that. I hung on like I was drowning and these people were my only lifeline... I was so convinced that I needed them. I was like a moth to the flame, attracted by all that was so wrong for me.

In February I "lost" one of these so called friends... the one I was closest to, the one who started this poison flowing through my veins trying to take over my heart. I was crushed. I was so caught up in my own life, my friends that my values and what was important to me changed SO much it scared me. I was truly lost. Thank God for the GOOD friends He has sent me, ones who care about me, how I am and what is best for me. I'll tell you more about them a little later.

It's amazing how this one event caused me to drop that "lifeline" I was so attached to. The one that I needed above all else to have because I was scared to be without it. I feel free. I have changed who I hang out with and what I do with my time. It feels like doors are being opened in different areas of my life. I now know God will show me where to go. I still have to be careful which doors I take. Sometimes there is a wolf in sheeps clothing among all the right choices. One that looks so good and harmless but will tempt me to go back to the person who I was.

Now for the good in this post of truth. Listed in no specific order are the one's who mean the most in my life:
Emily is a teacher at ECHS and one of my closest friends. She has seen me through a lot of different crazy things in my life. Thank You Emily. Don't ever change and I need to come visit you more :)
Janese is my cousin and another REALLY good friend. She rocks my socks and I rock her pink soccer socks. Its amazing how someone who has been around all my life, means so much more to me now then she ever did before. Thank you Janese for being your amazing cheery self and for being the other half of our crazy blonde duo <3
Andrea is my twin. Ok not literally but she pretty much could be. She is getting married in October and that means some time together where we can get crafty and get stuff ready. Thanks Andrea for being awesome and yesterday was fun :)
Erin is a blessing in my life that I cannot do without. Even though we only see each other for coffee once and a while, when we are together it just feels good :) Can't explain it :) Erin you are super fun and I totally want to spend more time with you in the future. Thank you for helping open my eyes to certain things :)
Kim H another teacher in my life. In more ways then one... She teaches at school but she also has fun and  teaches me how to look beyond the surface of things. Thank you Kim for being a big part in my walk with God.
and newly added :) Johanna is a friend that I am getting to know more. She is hopefully moving closer next year which is awesome and I'm super excited for it. Jo I am looking forward to getting to know you more :)

There are SO many other friends that I have and if I could list them all I would. I'm afraid if I tried to list all them from memory, me being the forgetfuly person that I am would forget someone influential and all around fantastic and then I would feel bad. Thank you to all of my friends. You mean more to me then words can say and God bless you all.

"If one falls down, his friend can help him up." Ecclesiastes 4:10a


  1. I love you, and I agree. You do need to visit me more often :) I have some free time this weekend!

  2. awww this is sooo nice thanks Mandy :) i can't wait to move closer n ext year!

  3. Hey friend!
    I'm so thankful for how the Spirit has continually been kneading your heart so as to be able to recognize God's amazing love for you and for you to give praise to Him for that! God has given you the gift of a passionate soul, that's for sure! Your energetic presence and constant smile give rise to so many possibilities to give God praise and to encourage others, like I have been on numerous occasions. I pray that God may continue to give you the desire to grow in Him so that when you feel tempted, you can remain strong in Him and a witness to others! I love you. Don't ever forget or doubt that.

  4. ahhh mandy i love u!!! and yes u def do rock my pink soccer socks! U r amazing <3
